“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6
Ages newborn-3
On Sunday morning , please take advantage of our wonderful Nursery/Toddler class for newborns to 3 years old. If you choose to have your children in service, please be sensitive to those around you.
Are you looking to be involved and join our team, please complete the contact form to the right and someone from our team will contact you.
We do require that all teachers & children's staff are to submit a background check and attend all required training. Our Children’s Check-In System ensures your children are always accounted for.
On Sunday morning , please take advantage of our wonderful Nursery/Toddler class for newborns to 3 years old. If you choose to have your children in service, please be sensitive to those around you.
Are you looking to be involved and join our team, please complete the contact form to the right and someone from our team will contact you.
We do require that all teachers & children's staff are to submit a background check and attend all required training. Our Children’s Check-In System ensures your children are always accounted for.

Sunday Mornings
10:00am to 10:45am
Nursery classes will be open with dedicated workers to watch your children.
Nursery is open for mothers and babies during our morning worship service.